2025-26 Financial/Application Information
Tuition is all-inclusive; this includes books, sports, clubs, field trips, campus enhancement fees, pictures, and even yearbooks. Students receive credits per year of attendance that apply toward their 6th and 12th grade trips. Killian Hill Christian School admits students of any race, color, and national or ethnic origin. Please contact the Business Office with any financial questions and the Admissions Office with any enrollment questions.
2024-25 TUITION & FEES
terms of payment
Killian Hill Christian School makes use of FACTS Tuition Management Company to collect tuition and incidental fees through either automatic bank drafts or credit card payments. FACTS charges an additional convenience fee when using the credit card payment option. All families are required to maintain an active FACTS account for the entire school year.
There will be a $30 missed payment fee on the auto-draft date, a second $30 fee will be added to your account if payment is not received within 2 weeks of the original auto-draft date. If payment is not received within 30 days of the original auto-draft date, the account is considered delinquent and the student(s) will be prohibited from attending classes until the balance is satisfied. If any portion of tuition or fees is not current, then report cards will not be accessible nor will transfer records be released.
Tuition payments can be made in full or in monthly installments. Monthly installments are made payable on the 5th or the 20th of each month.
Any applicable incidental fees will be collected from the same financial account used for tuition payments (bank account or credit card on file).
It is assumed that an enrolled student is enrolling at KHCS for the entire school year; therefore, budgets are set accordingly. If a student withdraws during the current school year, a withdrawal fee will be charged and must be paid in full before school records are released.
Because of our continuous enrollment program, the only time that a student may opt-out of the upcoming school year without financial consequence is during the opt-out period each year during the month of January. If a student misses the opt-out period in January and withdraws for the next school year anytime after February 1 through June 30 a $1,000 (per student) withdrawal fee will be charged. Students who withdraw after June 30 will be charged a withdrawal fee of $2,250.

Tony Manjarres
Business Director

Susan Thomas
Tuition Management Assistant