Vacation Station

Elementary Parents,

Believe it or not, but summer is almost here!!

You may or may not be familiar with the Student Workbook put out by the BJU Press called “Vacation Station”, but every year we encourage students/families to purchase these books in an effort to keep the student’s mind sharp during the summer months. THIS IS NOT MANDATORY, but we do offer an incentive upon completion of the book.

If a student completes the entire book (including the reading assignments within the book), they will receive an extra credit test grade of 100% in English and 100% in Math.

These books have been designed as a summer program that will reinforce and review the previous year’s work. It is designed for a student to complete two pages a day (approximately 15 minutes a day, focusing on math, reading and language arts) – with an answer guide in the back of the book for the parent’s convenience. Books are completed during the summer, and returned the first day of school. 

If you would like your child to participate, you can purchase online below. It will ask you to set up an account, but only so that they can gather your shipping and billing information.

Attached you will find the link(s) for your children based on what grade they are going into


Again, this is not a REQUIRED program. We only mention and incentivize to help our students strengthen their skills while away from the classroom.


Megan Lewis

KHCS Elementary Office