Honoring Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.: A Legacy of Love and Perseverance – Dr. Cronemeyer

Honoring Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.: A Legacy of Love and Perseverance – Dr. Cronemeyer

Monday, January 20 is MLK day, and we will observe this holiday with no school on Monday. Of course, it is not just a day off from school, but a day that we can pause to remember Martin Luther King, Jr. Recently, I read an article written by Dr. Larry Taylor, the president of the American Association of Christian Schools International (ACSI) one of our accrediting agencies that I would like to share in part with you.

“Dr. King was an African American Baptist minister who advocated for nonviolent resistance to overcome injustice and racial discrimination and provide civil rights for all. He faced many threats, including being arrested, jailed, and having his home bombed while his wife and 7-week-old daughter were inside.

His perseverance paid off in 1964 with the passage of the Civil Rights Act. At the end of that year, he was the youngest person to receive the Nobel Peace Prize.

In the final months of his life, he admitted he was tired. “I’m frankly tired of marching. I’m tired of going to jail. Living every day under the threat of death, I feel discouraged every now and then and feel my work is in vain, but then the Holy Spirit revives my soul again.”

Tragically, he was assassinated in Memphis, Tennessee, on April 4, 1968, at the age of thirty-nine.

Even as we commemorate the 40th MLK Day honoring the memory of Dr. King and his active role in providing God-ordained dignity for all people, we know our work is not done. Christian schools have an opportunity to nurture hearts and minds with spiritual eyes to see every human being as “Imago Dei,” an image bearer of God Himself.”

There is value in taking time to reflect on Martin Luther King, Jr., and his life of service. It’s important to God that we love one another, so let’s make it important to our children that we show love to one another. “Beloved, let us love one another, for love is of God and anyone that does not love does not know God, because God is love.”  I John 4:7-8.

Stay Encouraged,
Dr. Cronemeyer