Kwame Agyemang
Student Life Pastor
Kwame Agyemang - Student Life Pastor
Kwame Agyemang is our Student Life Pastor. He was born in Detroit, Michigan, and completed his undergrad studies at Columbus State University, where he majored in sociology. Currently, he is finishing his graduate studies at Faith Baptist Seminary. Throughout his walk with Jesus, Kwame has demonstrated a heart for preaching, teaching, and disciple-making. Kwame understands the unique challenges that students face in today’s culture and strives to provide guidance, support, and biblical teaching to help them navigate those challenges.
As the Student Life Pastor, Kwame aims to help students see the power of the gospel in their daily lives, empowering them to live out their faith and respond to the gospel in a transformative way. This will include, providing a safe and nurturing place where students can ask questions, find support, form authentic relationships, and experience the love of Christ through His Word.
Kwame is happily married to his wife, Jasmine, and they have been blessed with three wonderful children. Pastor Kwame’s desire is to see students become equipped to impact their families, communities, and the world with the love and truth of the gospel.
Robert Sherman
Bible Teacher
Robert Sherman - Bible Teacher
Robert Sherman was born in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (and yes he is still a die hard Steelers fan!). He currently holds a Bachelor of Arts in Bible, while finishing his master’s in biblical studies. Mr. Sherman has been teaching for twenty-four years, all of which have been at Killian Hill. He and his wife, Lisa, have two children, Benjamin and Hannah. During his downtime, he enjoys working on model trains, golfing, and cheering on the Steelers!